What are you thinking?

March 14, 2012 § Leave a comment

Today I spent the day writing every thought I had. Great fun! Seriously, some of the random crap that goes on in our heads is really enough to get you through a shift at work.

The idea is exactly what it seems; write every thought you have down. Now granted you’re gunna miss some, there no way you can write every thought, but if you keep the writing short you can suprise yourself with what actually goes on up there.

Some of my favorites:

From the creative –
Thought in the voice of Sir David Attenborough – “Contrary to it’s name the Micro Chip is actually very average in size. Deriving from the Mc’Cain variety it inhabits a card box tat jumps from microwave to microwave, hense ‘Micro’ chip”

to the shocked
Thought when seeing the price of a beach HUT, with no electricity or water – “126,000 are you kidding me!?”

The impressed
When putting my jeans on over my work trousers to ride to work, using a plastic bag to make sure they slip on easier – “Jean/Bag trick… (high pitched) Genius!”

to the angry
Relevant to an earlier post on here – “Look me in the eye!”

and of course the profound
James Morrison comes on the radio – “You’re right James, we do only have one life and we’ve got to live it.”

Anyway there were shed loads, I filled 50 pages of a little notebook I have, and that was missing out hours at a time because I was busy and couldn’t stop to write at work. They covered so many topics it’s unbelievable really, you HAVE to try it. If nothing but insightful into who you are by the things you think about most, is actually fun as.. Keeps your good thoughts in mind and get the bad ones on paper. Give it a try, you’ll love it by the end of the day.


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