Eye contact

November 6, 2011 § 2 Comments

My day job is working as a store supervisor at the cooperative in a small village local to York.veveryday I’m there I deal with customers throughout the day, as I’d the nature of the job. A lot of people are genuinely lovely people, who I’ve come to respect and like, unfortunately though, and it seems to be something of a given these days for the people of our dreary little country, that even the simplest form of respect or friendliness, whatever you want to call it, is something they really give no thought to.
It really takes no hardship on the part of these people to make eye contact with the person serving them, simply to show you know it’s a PERSON behind the tills serving them, someone who is trying to do their job, and be friendly to the hundreds of people they come into contact with everyday. For some reason though most of the people I see in the shop seem to find it excruciating just to do that simplest of actions. And honestly it’s pretty disheartening when you actually try to be decent to these people. You say hi, ask them how they are and don’t bet more than a grunt from them as the stare blankly st the flops or the till trying their hardest not to make any kind of contact other than cash and receit.
Tis isnt to say they’re all ignorant who do it, although really they kind of are. You may be in a bad mood or have something on that’s taking your attention, but is it really so hard to smile and say hi. We’re not asking for you to become our best mates or anything just give us a little appreciation. This surely goes for every ‘menial’ job on the market. There is a serious lack of respect for anyone who does the mundane work that keeps a country going at its base. All I say to the people out there who are to stupid, lazy or generally selfcentered, is be carefully. You should never fu!@ with the little guy, we have power over parts of your lives you take for granted everyday. So next time you’re in a shop, or a hospital or any place where someone isn’t getting paid what they deserve, show a little respect, some gratitude and I guarantee you’ll for one make them feel better, and I know for a fact they will do the same for you.
On the other hand if the clerk is exactly likeive just described be friendly enough, but if they insist on being a bit of a dick then ignore them, really not worth it.

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§ 2 Responses to Eye contact

  • terripham says:

    Thank you so much! I deal with that every single day and it is absolutely irritating. Some people are dicks.

    • Tatefold says:

      Ain’t it the truth, sadly. Glad You agree. Although I wish something so base and obvious to some of us wasn’t so beyond some people’s comprehension. They can be changed though :).

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