The Death of Beauty in Language

January 15, 2012 § Leave a comment

Language is something that has become common place, it has been so for thousands of years. It has always had the purpose of communication an description and yet now somehow has become lacking in any style other than that we are influenced to use everyday. While there may be art in writing, whether that writing is to be read personally or heard from another’s speech, the everyday eloquence in our language that was once (hopefully) commonplace, seems to now have fallen on hard times. Where once our speech was of a form that was to be perfected and used to its upmost power and intrigue, words strung together in the tangible poetry of language, has been dulled to it’s simplest of forms. A seemingly endless slur of meaningless noise that replicates the speech of other cultures who made it their own first.

You must see, this is not an attack on colloquialisms, abbreviations or jargon. This is an attempt to point out the mimicry that so many seem to think is originality. Whether that be in music, film or everyday life. Our culture, not our art, seems to have become a mess of so many different influences that there is no longer something that separate us from anything we see in the media, aside from our inherent cynicism toward it. It seems when art imitates life you can see the blatant mash of anything considered vaguely ‘cool’, caused by the arising need of life to to imitate art. Although this is something that has gone on for generations now, it is as if our understanding of that very fact has become a point of manipulation. The very nature of our understanding has transferred into the trends that have come about, the open manipulation of individuals into becoming something approved and expected by people who remain faceless or without true depth and yet somehow hold our attention so profusely we hang on every single word.

Obviously my point divulges greatly from the original title, my reasoning is that language is the gateway to everything. Without it we would have so much less than we do now. Community, art, the media itself would probably never have existed. A world without language wold be very dull indeed. But that is not reason to take what should be a beautiful creation, that allowed  people to come together and express thought and emotion about the things around them. It should not be something so easily ignored (a point for another time), used to cause grief in just about every way imaginable, or to sarcastically undermine another’s love or beliefs. It should be there to support and bring out the best in every person and moment.

Language has the power of cruelty imbued through it in todays world, someone is respected more for their ability to condemn and belittle than to inquire and inculcate. Language should never have become a weapon, it should be a thing of beauty always. So speak when it means the most, listen to every word and be mindful that most peoples language,  even if it comes in droves, are only a minor reflection of their true thoughts and personality. The question left is do they even see it themselves? Sadly most of the time I feel that isn’t true. They believe that to speak is to give true meaning, rather than speaking when they know something is true.

Anywho, hope my point wasn’t too colluded within the rambling, ironic huh. Always in the end, live life and speak true to yourself, not the socially accepted crap that seems to be the norm. Bring beauty back to language.

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